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Lecanopteris carnosa
Antfern. Lecanopteris carnosa rhizomes are not covered by scales or wax. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

From €20.00*
Lecanopteris celebica
Antfern. Only the youngest portion is green, the older areas, though still alive turn brownish. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants,

From €20.00*
Lecanopteris crustacea
Antfern. Easy species. The rhizomes are densly covered by scales. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

From €15.00*
Lecanopteris deparioides
Antfern. Lecanopteris deparioides rhizomes are covered by wax. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Lecanopteris lomarioides
Antfern. The rhizomes are densely covered by scales and form strange upright structures with age. Maybe the most showy of all Lecanopteris species. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

From €20.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Lecanopteris luzonensis
Antfern. Only the youngest portion is green, the older areas, though still alive turn brownish. Similar to L. celebica but much smaller and more gracile. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Lecanopteris mirabilis
Antfern. The only Lecanopteris without hollow rhizomes. The rhizomes form flat shell-like structures that cover tree-branches. Ants live under these shells. The leaves are very pretty due to their reddish veins. A very beautiful plant. Very interesting and rare in collections. Short supply!

From €20.00*
Lecanopteris pumila
Antfern. The youngest portion of the rhizome is greenis, the older areas, though still alive turn brownish-green. Similar to L. celebica but much smaller and more gracile. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Short supply (FAQ)
Lecanopteris sinuosa (MIssima Isl., PNG)
Ant fern. Simple species. The slender and almost unbranched rhizomes are densely covered with scales. Lecanopteris species are widespread throughout Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes which are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation, however, they grow without ants without any problems.

Lecanopteris sinuosa (Normanby, PNG)
Antfern. Easy species. The slender und almost unbranched rhizomes are densly covered by scales. Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Lecanopteris sinuosa (Wasior, Irian Jaya)
Antfern. Easy species. The slender und almost unbranched rhizomes are densly covered by scales. Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Short supply (FAQ)
Lecanopteris spinosa
The most spectacular species of Lecanopteris.Super rare in cultivation. A fascinating highland species from Sulawesi. Available commercially for the first time!

From €30.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris balgooyi
Antfern. Lecanopteris balgooyi rhizomes are covered with very few scales only. In addition, they carry interestingly looking spines. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

From €30.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris curtisii
Antfern. The rhizomes are covered by a blue-green waxy layer. No scales. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

Sold Out
Lecanopteris curtisii (Sumatra)
Lecanopteris curtisii. Collection from Sumatra

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Lecanopteris darnaedii
Super rare in cultivation. A fascinating highland species from Sulawesi.

From €30.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris holttumii
Super rare in cultivation. A fascinating highland species from Sulawesi.

From €30.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris lomarioides (Modayag)
Antfern. The rhizomes are densely covered by scales and form strange upright structures with age. Maybe the most showy of all Lecanopteris species. Very interesting and rare in collections. With their strangely shaped hollow rhizomes they look very bizzare! Lecanopteris species are spread over Indonesia and Malaysia. They form hollow rhizomes that are inhabited by ants in the wild. In cultivation they easily grow without ants, however.

From €20.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris mirabilis - Giant (Mt Kaindi, PNG)
Ant fern. The only Lecanopteris without hollow rhizomes. The rhizomes form flat, shell-like structures that cover the branches. Ants live under these shells. A very beautiful species. Very interesting and rare in collections. Scarce supply!Very large form from Mt. Kaindi in Papua New Guinea.The plant occurs at higher altitudes there, but grows easily in cultivation under lowland conditions.

From €75.00*
Sold Out
Lecanopteris spec. Central Luzon, Philippines
This species is similar to Lecanopteris lomarioides and L. crustacea. However, it has many finely branched rhizomes.

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Lecanopteris spinosa (long spines, unclear origin)
The mother plants of this line probably come from a different location. The spines are significantly longer and bulkier than those of the line I have been offering so far. The plants also seem to me to be more vigorous.

From €50.00*