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Short supply (FAQ)
Hydnophytum dentrecastense (Normanby Island, PNG)
Very unusual species! The plants grow terrestrially. Often the caudex is completely hidden under the soil surface. Striking are the bluish leaves which are silvery iridescent in young plants.In culture the plants grow well in coarse peat substrate although they were found in nature on ultrabasic soils.

Short supply (FAQ)
Hydnophytum ferrugineum (Australia)
A relatively new species from Australia.

Short supply (FAQ)
Hydnophytum sp. (Pericles Pass, PNG - H. radicans/simplex group)
A very interesting species from Papua New Guinea. Striking is the strongly elongated caudex and a silvery glow on the leaves of younger plants.

Short supply (FAQ)
Hydnophytum spec. Malaybalay (Mindanao, Phiippines)
Nice dark green and glossy leaves. Slow grower.

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Hyd. spec. Doormans Top 1000m elongated leaf
Very nice! Ball shaped caudex and elongated leathery leaves. New introduction!

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Hyd. spec. roundish caudex (Wondiwoi, Irian Jaya)
New!Nice and easy grower! Fairly big leaves.

Sold Out
Hydnophytum (Squamellaria) guppyanum (Bugainville Island, PNG)
For the first time I have some beautiful plants grown from seed for sale.The tubers are about 2-3 cm in diameter. Hydnophytum guppyanum is the closest relative of Hydnophytum kajewskii. Both species are nowadays rather assigned to the genus Squamellaria due to phylogenetic studies.

From €50.00*
Sold Out
Hydnophytum (Squamellaria) kajewskii (Bugainville Island, PNG)
Ant plant specialist Matthew Jebb calls this "...the most sophisticated tuber structure, which must rank as one of the most sophisticated and bizarre vegetative structures in the entire plant kingdom..." Unique!

Sold Out
Hydnophytum caminiferum (Anggi Lakes, Irian Jaya)
One of the most extraordinary species. The terrestrial caudex forms chimney-shaped openings, the function of which is completely unclear.

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Hydnophytum cf. ramispinum (Doorman's Top)
Very unusual species from middle altitudes in the Doormanstop massif. The caudex is completely covered with spines. The leaves are relatively narrow.

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Hydnophytum formicarum (Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan)
Hydnophytum formicarum is a widespread species or represents a widespread complex of species. This is a collection from Kalimantan.

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Hydnophytum mamberamoense (or related species - possibly new genus)
I believe, this is the elusive Hydnophytum mamberamoense or a related species. Unfortunately, the type specimen is quite incomplete, so I am a bit reluctant to call it H. mamberamoense.However having seen the species in the field, I am quite sure that this is neither a Hydnophytum, nor a Myrmecodia but rather belongs into a yet to be described new genus of Hydnophytinae!This strange species from the southern coast of Irian Jaya does not really fit into any of the other genuses of Hydnophytinae. At first sight, the caudex looks Myrmecodia-like but appears to be less organanized and very irregular. The inflorescence does not fit into Myrmecodia either. Very interesting!

Sold Out
Hydnophytum moseleyanum (Owers Corner, PNG)
A form of the widespread species from Papua New Guinea.

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Hydnophytum petiolatum var. argentatum (Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea)
Very beautiful lowland form that occurs on Normanby Island together with Anthorrhiza bracteosa and A. areolata as well as Hydnophytum dentrecastenseThe habitat is extremely hot and sunny but normal lowland conditions work well in cultivation.The silvery-grayish caudex of this epiphytic species is striking and gives it its name.Offered commercially for the first time. Only a few plants.

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Hydnophytum puffii (sp. "Needle Leaf")
Fascinating species. Very narrow, needle-like leaves. Limited supply!

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Hydnophytum spec. (Doorman's Top - small leaves)
Very unusual Hyndnophytum with ball-shaped caudex and very small leaves. Offered for the first time commecially. Short supply.

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Hydnophytum spec. huge caudex (Doormans Top)
Absolutely spectacular!!!Offered for the first time ever.The caudex of this species can reach a length of 1,5 to 2 meters andeasily matches the body of a human hanging down from the trees in size and dimensions.Easily the biggest Hydnophytum I've ever seen!Leaves are round, almost circular and blueish.A new genus?

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Hydnophytum spec. Jayapura (spiny caudex, succulent leaves)
A very interesting species with narrow succulent leaves and a strikingly round and spiny caudex.

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Hydnophytum spec. Kranket, PNG
Probably a member of the widespread Hydnophytum moseleyanum complex.

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Hydnophytum spec. Malaysia, Peninsula
This is a beautiful small growing species. The plants form cushion-shaped caudices and dense small bushes. Highly recommended!

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Hydnophytum spec. Timika (warty caudex, smooth leaves)
A very interesting species with smooth leaves and a strikingly warty caudex.

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Hydnophytum spec. upright caudex (Oro prov., PNG)
Similar to Hydnophytum simplex but with an upright caudex that carries lots of roots. Very big leaves and robust stems.
