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Bundle: Various clones of Heliamphora minor var. pilosa
A nice selection of different Heliamphora minor var. pilosa types at a reduced set price.Contains my 3 best clones - clone 1, 2 and 3!!!

From €255.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora "Godzilla" x parva (Extremely Hairy)
A cross between one of the best clones of Heliamphora parva and Heliamphora "Godzilla" known to me!Only a few single clones of the preselection available.

Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora "Mickey"
Most likely a natural hybrid of Heliamphora ionasi and Heliamphora elongata. Very beautiful selected clone with very prominet lid.

From €20.00*
Heliamphora "Peter Pan"
Absolutely stunning and unique plant!A mutation that does not form adult pitchers. The largest juvenile plant I had so far was 40 cm in diameter and was flowering from the juvenile rosette!!!Only very few flowering size plants are available that were propagated by division from the mother plant. First come - first serve!

From €20.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora "Popeye"
Mutation that does not form adult pitchers. The largest juvenile plant I had so far was 35 cm in diameter and was flowering from the juvenile rosette!!!

Heliamphora (heterodoxa x ionasi) x minor var. pilosa (02)
Single seedlings, Individual clones.All of them already have adult leaves! As with all multi-hybrids, there is quite a bit of variation. I will keep about 5 of my favorite clones for further breeding and vegetative propagation in the future, but most clones are unique specimens that are not reproduced in vitro. Once they are gone, they are gone!

From €40.00*
Heliamphora chimantensis (Chimanta, Venezuela)
Easy, fast growing, and readily clumping species from the Chimanta Massif in Venezuela. Heliamphora chimantensis grows at elevations of 1900-2100 meters and is known from the top of the Chimanta and Apacara Tepui where it grows in open, poorly drained areas among sparse vegetation. It is noted for forming huge colonies of many individuals tightly packed in a matt that often exceed several meters in width and are the result of natural division over time rather than seeding. The shape of the pitchers is upright and the color is yellowish green turning red at maturity. A large V shape slit is present at the front that aids with drainage. The nectar spoon is near vertical and bright red with irregularly shaped nectar gland patches. It is said in habitat the plants produce so much nectar that their scent can be detected from a few meters away. Although wild specimen can reach 50cm high and a single colony can be as wide as 6 meters, in cultivations plants stay much smaller, rarely attaining more than 20cm in height and remaining manageable in width. Highly recommended for beginners, and truly a joy as it matures into a sizable clump. (Wistuba, A T Carow & P Harbarth, 2002)

From €25.00*
Heliamphora ciliata (Lowland)
Ever heard of a lowland Heliamphora? Meet Heliamphora ciliata! It is the only Heliamphora known exclusively from sub-montane regions. Found in a few swampy meadows north-east of Aprada Tepui in the Gran Sabana at elevation of around 900m, this species grows in permanently moist to inundated soils among low growing vegetation. The name ciliata refers to the tufts of hairs on the back of the nectar spoon and along the back of the pitcher mid-rib. The interior of the pitchers is also lined in two distinctive types of hairs, a shorter and a longer one, that contribute to the overall hairy look of the plant. Pitchers easily color red in bright light and are noted for not having a drainage hole. Instead a narrow slit is present at the front of the pitcher which regulates water level in a manner similar to chimantensis, minor, and pulchella which are closely related. The oval spoon comes off a triangular neck and is typically held at a 45 degree angle above the pitcher opening. Small colonies of ciliata up to 35cm in width can be found in habitat, and similarly the plant readily clumps in cultivation, forming attractive mounds over time. Although it can reach 20cm height in nature, it is usually shorter in cultivation. This easy, fast growing, temperature tolerant species comes highly recommended. Excellent beginner plant! (Wistuba, Nerz & A. Fleischm. 2009)

From €40.00*
Heliamphora exappendiculata (Amuri Tepui)
A fantastic, wide-spread species from the Chimanta Massif and Aprada and Araopan Tepui. The name of the species refers to its lack of a nectar spoon, instead the leaf has a recessed bubble-like structure at the tip that holds the nectaries. Very cool! Heliamphora exappendiculata is found at elevations between 1700-2100m and is most abundant in cliff side habitats where the plants grow directly attached to permanently moist surfaces at seepage sites and by streams and waterfalls. In these situations the pitchers tend to grow upturned on a short scrambling rhizome with a skirt of dead foliage hanging down. It is one of the few taxa in the genus that appears to favor shaded conditions such as gullies, gorges, and canyons, though it is also found in brighter, more exposed locations often among shrubby vegetation. Therefore, color can vary dramatically between a pale green or buttery yellow often suffused with pinks and reds in partial light, to a vibrant peach color and even pure red in full sun. The wide pitcher opening serves a dual purpose of acting as a landing zone for potential insect pray, but also for collecting various organic debris which may serve as a secondary source of nutrients. Both in nature and cultivation, H. exappendiculata can vary in size. Some clones remain fairly compact while others can reach as tall as 35cm (though usually no more than 25cm). This is a fast growing, readily offsetting species that is easy to care for and can often be grown in lower light than typical of the genus. The numerous selections available make acquiring different clones both worthwhile and fun! A must for a well-rounded Heliamphora collection! (Nerz & Wistuba 2006)

Heliamphora exappendiculata (Apacapa)
A very beautiful form of Apacapa Tepui.The plants are smaller than other origins and densely hairy on the outside of the pitcher.

From €50.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora folliculata (Murosipan Tepui, Ven.)
One of the most recognizable species of Heliamphora because of its large tubular pitchers and unusual spoon that contains a hallow chamber for storing nectar. Found on top of the Los Testigos chain of tepuis at elevations of 1700-2400m, this Heliamphora braves the elements in the mutual shelter of dense scrub vegetation. It prefers permanently wet surfaces such as seepage sites and near waterfalls in sunny and exposed areas. The pitchers are long and tubular with a minimal narrowing at the waist where a drainage hole is present to regulate the water contained within. In cross section, the leaves are often kidney shaped. The unique concave spoon emerges directly from the back of the pitcher with the front extended over the pitcher opening, while a hallow chamber is present at the back and serves to store nectar. The color is golden yellow in young leaves suffusing to a uniform orange, pink, and red in mature ones. The foliage is typically held at an acute angle up to 45 degrees and often rests on surrounding vegetation but plants have the same growth habit even when no such vegetation is present. It is believed that this is an adaptation to keep the center of the rosette exposed to sunlight and free of competing vegetation. In cultivation this means the plants need a good amount of room to spread horizontally and should not be kept too close to other specimen in the collection. Though folliculata is said to reach no more than 30cm in nature, that size can be easily attained by some clones in cultivation and plants do get much wider as they clump, making this species one of the most robust. Easy to care for, vibrantly colored, and fast growing, this Heliamphora is great for beginners, though its growth habit means a good amount of room should be provided. (Wistuba, A., P. Harbarth & T. Carow, 2001)

From €40.00*
Heliamphora hispida (Cerro Neblina, Venezuela)
An excellent choice for growers who like compact Heliamphora! These plants rarely get more than 15cm tall! The name comes from the Latin word for “bristly” and refers to the coarse hairs that line the interior of the pitchers. Very cool. The full range of the species is largely unknown due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of its habitat, however, it has been recorded from altitudes of 1800-3014m in and around the Neblina Massif, representing some of the highest known populations of Heliamphora. It grows in shady, shrubby bogs at seepage sites, among leaf litter, in permanently wet and often inundated soils. In fact, at times the surrounding water level may be virtually the same as that of the fluid contained within. The plants are locally abundant and are the dominant Heliamphora species where present. They form large hummock like colonies that can become massive with age. In one case, a colony was observed that measured 180cm in height and comprised entirely of old foliage and dead rhizomes completely overgrown by living plants! The pitchers are funnel shaped often with a wide oval opening pointed front to back. As noted, the interior is lined with stiff, coarse, downward facing hairs up to 4mm long. The spoon is bright red, generally held at a 45 degree angle over the pitcher opening, and has a distinctive point at the tip. A drainage hole is present at the waist, which distinguishes this species from similar species such as H. pulchella and H. minor. Fantastic choice and easy to accommodate in any collection due to its small size. (Nerz, J. & A. Wistuba, 2000)

From €15.00*
Heliamphora huberi (Amuri Tepui)
Little known, though widely distributed, Heliamphora huberi is endemic to the Chimanta Massif and is present on several of the tepuis and associated areas. The name honors Dr. Otto Huber, a botanist who has contributed greatly to the knowledge of tepui flora, and who collected the type specimen on Angassima Tepui in 1986. Heliamphora huberi grows in partially shaded habitat among dense low-growing vegetation at elevation between 1850-2200m. The plants tend to form small clusters of offshoots up to 40cm across that are often scattered, though large strands are also found on Akopan Tepui. The distinctive feature of this species is its oval nectar spoon that comes off a short neck-like elongation at the back of the pitcher and has a pronounced upturned appendage at the tip. The pitchers themselves are up to 30cm tall in the wild (though much smaller in cultivation) and their morphology suggest a hybridogenic origin between a species akin to H. heterodoxa and perhaps pulchella. Very interesting! Their color is a pale green which suffuses to red or purple towards the margins, with faint red or purple veining in the interior. When exposed to more light and as the pitchers mature they often become redder. This wonderful species deserves to be grown more widely. Though not a fast grower, it’s a beautiful addition to the collection with its curiously shaped spoons. A mature plant can look very striking.(Fleischmann, A., A. Wistuba & J. Nerz, 2009)

Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora huberi (Anga) x ionasi - Selected clones
Two beautifully extremely red coloured pre-selected clones of the hybrid. Freshly opened pitchers show an extremely bright red, which is unparalleled in the whole genus!I would like to register one of the two clones later as a cultivar. However, both are very similar and I am not yet sure which clone will be the winner....

From €90.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora huberi (Angasima Tepui)
Little known, though widely distributed, Heliamphora huberi is endemic to the Chimanta Massif and is present on several of the tepuis and associated areas. The name honors Dr. Otto Huber, a botanist who has contributed greatly to the knowledge of tepui flora, and who collected the type specimen on Angassima Tepui in 1986. Heliamphora huberi grows in partially shaded habitat among dense low-growing vegetation at elevation between 1850-2200m. The plants tend to form small clusters of offshoots up to 40cm across that are often scattered, though large strands are also found on Akopan Tepui. The distinctive feature of this species is its oval nectar spoon that comes off a short neck-like elongation at the back of the pitcher and has a pronounced upturned appendage at the tip. The pitchers themselves are up to 30cm tall in the wild (though much smaller in cultivation) and their morphology suggest a hybridogenic origin between a species akin to H. heterodoxa and perhaps pulchella. Very interesting! Their color is a pale green which suffuses to red or purple towards the margins, with faint red or purple veining in the interior. When exposed to more light and as the pitchers mature they often become redder. This wonderful species deserves to be grown more widely. Though not a fast grower, it’s a beautiful addition to the collection with its curiously shaped spoons. A mature plant can look very striking.Plants from Angasima Tepui are much redder than the ones from Amuri.(Fleischmann, A., A. Wistuba & J. Nerz, 2009)

Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora huberi (Angasima, 06/03) x sarracenioides
Individual seedlings - not from tissue culture propagation! Only very few are for sale.

Heliamphora ionasi "Elegance"
Just as the name says - one of the best clones!It's notable for the slender and very elegantly shaped pitchers with camparably big mouths and the fact that it produces really many of them!The coloration is just awesome as well!A very good grower!Only propagated by division yet.Extremely short supply!

From €65.00* €80.00* (18.75% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Heliamphora ionasi "Zappergeck"
This has become one my favorite clones of Heliamphora ionasi in recent times!I plan to register this awsome selection and name it after a funny character from the "Augsburger Puppenkiste", a famous German puppet theater that was very popular in the 1970s. Zappergeck is a little dragon-like reptile from the "Cat with the hat" series that enjoyed relaxing with the mouth wide open to let the sun shine right into it - just as this clone of Heliamphora ionasi.It stays smaller than other clones, is notable for its more greenish-golden tint that nicely contrasts with the big deep red lids. Pitcher mouths are quite expanded and flat - just like open mouths.I only have very few divisions with adult pitchers available at the moment but several juvenile plants.

From €25.00*
Heliamphora ionasi "Zappergeck" x exappendiculata "Ewoks
A new cross of two particularly small and beautiful Heliamphora cultivars.I have very high expectations of this cross!

Heliamphora ionasi (Ilu Tepui, Venezuela)
Truly one of the most magnificent members of the genus and one of the biggest! Though often slow growing, H. ionasi is worth the wait, and a fully mature plant can be the crown jewel of the Heliamphora collection. The name commemorates Jonah Boyan, a member of Maguires’ expedition that led to the discovery of the species, and represents his Latinized first name. The known range of the species is between 1800-2600m in the area between Ilu and Tramen Tepui in Venezuela. The plants are most abundant in open boggy clearings along the sides of the Ilu-Tramen valley, though they can also compete successfully with the dense vegetation of the cloud forest floor, and even grow directly on permanently wet cliff sides in a manner similar to H. exappendiculata and H. uncinata. Pitcher size varies greatly depending on habitat- some are only 20-30cm in length, while others can be up to 50cm long and 18cm wide! The pitcher opening is exceptionally wide and often circular. This may serve the dual purpose of trapping pray and collecting organic debris as an additional source of nutrients. In some cases, the opening is the only part of the plant that is visible above the surrounding vegetation. The pitchers are typically held at an acute angle away from the apex, which might help keep the growth point exposed to light. In cultivation this means the plants like to sprawl, so ample space should be provided. Long downward facing hairs up to 11mm (longest in the genus) line the pitcher interior. They come off distinctive bumps which can be used to positively identify the species from hybrids with H. elongata and H. arenicola. A drainage hole is present at the narrow waist. Pitcher color is typically a vibrant peach suffused with pinks and reds even in lower light (though they can be completely red or green too). The nectar spoon is red, oval, and can be variously angled towards or away from the opening. Although this has never been observed in nature, Heliamphora ionasi pitcher are certainly voluminous enough to potentially trap rodent pray! These majestic, brightly colored, and elegantly shaped plants are a must for any serious collector of the genus. (Maguire, B., 1978)

From €20.00*
Heliamphora ionasi (Killer/RG) x parva (hairy)
Different clones.This is a large and very impressive hybrid.Sections of adult and partially flowering plants.

From €50.00*