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Nepenthes flava (Sumatra)

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Product number: AW-N_flav.1
Product information "Nepenthes flava (Sumatra)"
Nepenthes flava is a relatively new species (2007) and an incredibly spectacular plant endemic to the high altitude (1800 ñ 2200m) montane forests of the Barisan Mountains, Northern Sumatra. They are found growing terrestrially in more open areas of the forest.

As the name ëflavaí suggests, this species produces bright yellow-green upper pitchers. Furthermore the yellow-green leaves can give the whole plant a yellow appearance. Upper pitchers can be upto 6cm in height and start off as a narrow tube leading upto a broad rounded funnel, resembling a small green toilet bowl. The peristome is almost horizontal, opening upwards with a wavy outer margin, and although usually the same yellow colour as the pitchers it can be either striped or wholly red. The robust, squat lower pitchers are very similar to the upper pitchers, but range from yellow, through orange and red, to possibly even purple in colour. Their wide peristome is usually darker in colour, with lower pitchers resembling N. jacquilineae but with a larger lid and less pronounced peristome.

All pitchers produce especially viscous, syrupy pitcher fluid similar to that used by N. inermis and a few other Sumatran species. This helps pitchers function as flypaper traps as opposed to only pitfall traps, and helps upper pitchers contend with wind movement. Some plants also have stunning red stems.

Cultivation Guidelines:
Light: Bright indirect or dappled light
Temperature: True highland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures.
Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well.
Extra notes on Cultivation: Appreciates high humidity levels.