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Nepenthes jamban (Sumatra)

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Product number: AW-N_jamb_TG.6
Product information "Nepenthes jamban (Sumatra)"
Nepenthes jamban is endemic to the Barisan Mountains of North Sumatra, where it is known only from its type locality. This species is only found growing terrestrially at altitudes of 1800-2100m, either in upper montane mossy forest or at higher altitudes amongst stunted montane scrub. It is therefore a typical highland plant, and is a relatively easy and moderate grower, that tends to get quite viney. The name "jamban" is Indonesian for "toilet" in reference to its famously ítoilet-bowlí shaped pitchers.

Nepenthes jamban produces small (5.8cm) lower pitchers that start off as a narrow funnel shape, opening to a wide funnel and an almost horizontal pitcher opening. They range in colour from pale yellow or orange to a vibrant red without, some with darker speckling. In many ways lower pitchers resemble those of N. flava but without the wavy peristome margins.

The real attraction however is the amazing and characteristic upper pitchers! These large (12cm) distinctive toilet shaped pitchers have a flat uniform peristome running the full circumference of the circular and horizontal pitcher opening. Upper pitchers are generally bright lime-green to yellow, with an orange peristome, and can be speckled in orange-red on the inner pitcher surface. The inner surface is wholly glandular and functions as a fly paper trap, as well as a typical pitfall trap, thanks to strong viscous pitcher fluid, similar to that found in other Sumatran species. This may aid in the capture of larger prey as is often found in these pitchers, which are also notably home to large populations of pitcher infauna. These upper pitchers are produced on a characteristically purplish-red stem that grows up to 4m in length.

This unique and iconic "toilet-bowl" species is a much have in any highland collection.

Cultivation Guidelines:
Light: Bright indirect or dappled light.
Temperature: True highland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures.
Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well. The proportion of Sphagnum in the mix should ideally be quite high.
Extra notes on Cultivation: Appreciates high humidity levels.