Nepenthes mikei
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Product information "Nepenthes mikei"
Arguable one of the most dainty and beautiful of the small Nepenthes species, Nepenthes mikei is an amazing deminutive highland species endemic to the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where it is recorded as being from only two locations: Mount Pangulubao in North Sumatra and Mount Bandahara in Aceh. Other locations are undisclosed for conservation purposes. They grow exclusively terrestrially in lower and upper montane mossy forest, as well as amongst stunted summit scrub (1100-2800m), often in open and exposed sites.
Almost everything about this species is small and delicate, from the leaves, to the stems and of course the pitchers. Small does not mean they can’t make a bold statement however! Lower pitchers (max 12cm) are slightly rounded near the base, but are mostly cylindrical, opening up in a slight funnel towards the pitcher opening. What really makes the pitchers stand out however is their exquisite coloration and detail. Their tiny pitchers are so darkly coloured that they appear black, and contrast so strongly with their strikingly bright yellow-green speckling , the fully pale green interior (occasionally with eyespots) and the very thin bright yellow-green peristome that rings the pitcher opening. They really are a sight to behold. In lower pitchers, dark frilled wings run down the front of the pitcher body, with the inward facing side of each frill often being the same shocking green as the flecks and peristome.
This species rapidly transitions from a rosette to a climbing vine up to 7m in length. Upper pitchers are similar (8cm), though smaller than the lower pitchers, and wings are reduced to ribs running down the front of each pitcher. They are more delicate and the peristome can take on a reddish tint. In bright light the red stems and tendrils can darken to a deep purple. This whole plant can really put on a display, especially when healthy vines are covered in dozens and dozens of striking little, elegant pitchers
Cultivation Guidelines:
Light: Bright indirect or dappled light. Often grows in open sites where it is exposed to direct sunlight. Seems tolerant of high light levels provided temperatures remain cool.
Temperature: True highland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures.
Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well. The proportion of Sphagnum in the mix should ideally be quite high.
Extra notes on Cultivation: Appreciates high humidity levels.
Almost everything about this species is small and delicate, from the leaves, to the stems and of course the pitchers. Small does not mean they can’t make a bold statement however! Lower pitchers (max 12cm) are slightly rounded near the base, but are mostly cylindrical, opening up in a slight funnel towards the pitcher opening. What really makes the pitchers stand out however is their exquisite coloration and detail. Their tiny pitchers are so darkly coloured that they appear black, and contrast so strongly with their strikingly bright yellow-green speckling , the fully pale green interior (occasionally with eyespots) and the very thin bright yellow-green peristome that rings the pitcher opening. They really are a sight to behold. In lower pitchers, dark frilled wings run down the front of the pitcher body, with the inward facing side of each frill often being the same shocking green as the flecks and peristome.
This species rapidly transitions from a rosette to a climbing vine up to 7m in length. Upper pitchers are similar (8cm), though smaller than the lower pitchers, and wings are reduced to ribs running down the front of each pitcher. They are more delicate and the peristome can take on a reddish tint. In bright light the red stems and tendrils can darken to a deep purple. This whole plant can really put on a display, especially when healthy vines are covered in dozens and dozens of striking little, elegant pitchers
Cultivation Guidelines:
Light: Bright indirect or dappled light. Often grows in open sites where it is exposed to direct sunlight. Seems tolerant of high light levels provided temperatures remain cool.
Temperature: True highland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures.
Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well. The proportion of Sphagnum in the mix should ideally be quite high.
Extra notes on Cultivation: Appreciates high humidity levels.