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Bundle: Borneo Classics - The most beautiful and impressive highland Nepenthes
This set includes the most important Borneo classics among the highland Nepenthes species!

From €249.00*
Nepenthes boschiana
Nepenthes boschiana is an increasingly popular pitcher plant in the hobby. It shows very dark, large and elegant lower pitchers, coupled with an extraordinary vigour.In the wild the species is only found in South Kalimantan at 1200-1800 m.a.s.l..It is closely related to N. faizaliana.The dark, mottled lower pitchers show a tubular pitcher with a prominent, thickened base. The broad peristome is dark reddish to deep black.Upper pitchers of this species, on the other hand, are lighter in color, slimmer, more funnel-shaped, and have an intensely striped peristome, but may retain the darker coloration.Absolutely beautiful species that should not be missing in any stock if you have room for the vigorous, larger plants.

Nepenthes chaniana (Borneo)
A very nice plant with bright green and slim, cylindrical pitchers. Nepenthes chaniana has a narrow infundibulate pitcher that gradually widens towards the peristome.The species was named in honor of the Managing Director of Natural History Publications of Borneo, Chan Chew Lun. Nepenthes chaniana was described by Charles Clarke 2006.In error, plants from Sabah and Sarawak were long misidentified as Nepenthes pilosa, a little known species from Kalimantan.Pitchers of N. chaniana can reach a size of ca. 30cm.Nepenthes chaniana typically grows as an epiphyte.

From €40.00*
Nepenthes dactylifera (was N. faizaliana) (Borneo)
Originally grouped under the name nepenthes fusca, nepenthes dactylifera is a colorful, easy to grow species. Native to Borneo, it is closely related to nepenthes zakriana and is one of the most vigorous nepenthes there are.Nepenthes dactylifera produces beautiful, elongated pitchers which are bright orange in color with intense red speckling, and its stem is also bright red, making for a very eye-catching plant.Perfect candidate for a sunny windowsill or a terrarium!Cultivation Guidelines:Light: Bright indirect or dappled light.Temperature: Intermediate conditions preferred, but highly adaptable.Growing medium: Equal parts sphagnum and horticultural grade perlite.Extra notes on Cultivation: Easy grower, adaptable to household conditions.

From €15.00*
Nepenthes ephippiata (Gunung Raya, Borneo)
A very sought after and rare species. Nepenthes ephippiata is closely related to N. lowii and also shows very similar pitchers.It also occurs in Borneo and inhabits altitudes of 1300-2000 m.a.s.l.. Depending on the locality, the transitions from one to the other species can be almost fluid.The lowii-like upper pitchers are less funnel-shaped and have a less narrow constriction. The lids are usually studded with fewer bristles.Lower pitchers are much stouter than those of N. lowii.The form of Gunung Rajah shows very typical characteristics of N. ephippiata and is well on the ephippiata side of the spectrum.Due to the slow growth, large plants are rare.

From €80.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes ephippiata (Hose Mountains, Borneo)
A very bizarre species native to Central Borneo, nepenthes ephippiata is closely related to nepenthes lowii but can get even larger! It brings together the best of both worlds, being impressive in size while having great form — making it a must have species for any highland Nepenthes collector.Nepenthes lowii and N. ephippiata have many characteristics in common including tough woody pitchers, the production of lid hairs and exudate, as well as large reflexed lids. Nepenthes ephippiata also produces a seemingly oversized lid in relation to the body of the pitcher and develops a beautiful deep wine-red color in its interior while being green with very light red speckles on the outside.Lower pitchers on this species are bulbous and have faint red coloring on the outside. Meanwhile, upper ones lose all exterior coloration, turning completely green which contrast marvelously with the dark interior.The plants from the Hose-Mountains are usually called Nepenthes ephippiata. I have my doubts about this and find them quite strongly deviating from the "classic" Nepenthes ephippiata. Certainly as strongly deviating as from typical Nepenthes lowii populations.Cultivation Guidelines: Light: Bright indirect or dappled light.Temperature: Intermediate to highland conditions, not a picky species.Growing medium: Equal parts sphagnum and horticultural grade perlite.Extra notes on Cultivation: Relatively easy species to grow; not especially challenging

From €80.00* €120.00* (33.33% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes epiphytica
A beautiful, relatively new and still little known species from East Borneo.The pronounced funnel-shaped cans are vaguely reminiscent of Nepenthes eymae.Highly sought after!Clone 1 is the form according to the original description: the lower pitchers are extremely slender and the uppers are strongly funnel-shaped. Certainly the best clone in cultivation!

From €75.00* €150.00* (50% saved)
Nepenthes fallax (Bareo, Borneo)
Nepenthes fallax is often confused with nepenthes stenophylla due to their many similarities. The key difference between them is that nepenthes fallax’s lid is orbiculate (circular) while the lid of nepenthes stenophylla is narrow. There are some people who consider these two plants to be the same while others point out that they are indeed two separate species. Nepenthes fallax has beautiful cream-colored pitchers with red/purple speckle that are tubular in shape and have a striped peristome. Both the leaves and the pitchers are hirsute, covered in white hairs.Given its adaptability, nepenthes fallax makes a great terrarium plant and is a good candidate for a sunny windowsill as well. Cultivation Guidelines:Light: Bright indirect or dappled light.Temperature: Intermediate conditions preferred, but highly adaptable.Growing medium: Equal parts sphagnum and horticultural grade perlite.Extra notes on Cultivation: Easy grower, adaptable to household conditions.

From €20.00*
Nepenthes fusca (Kemoel, Borneo)
This is the true Nepenthes fusca, which was rediscovered only a few years ago. Almost all plants in cultivation are in fact Nepenthes zakriana.The plants are characterised by beautifully striped peristomes and very nicely spotted pots.

From €50.00* €75.00* (33.33% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes lowii (Batu Lawi, Borneo)
The legendary Nepenthes lowii! Certainly one of the most famous Nepenthes species. With absolutely unique, specialized upper pitchers, the species is not only visually captivating.The shape of these high pitchers is also the basis for an absolutely fascinating mutualism. Between the bristles on the pitcher lid, N. lowii secretes a sugary substance. This serves as food for the tree squirrels Tupaia montana and leads to subsequent defecation of the animals. This feces serves as a nitrogen source for the Nepenthes lowii.Lower pitchers of this species already show the bristles, but are not as extremely funnel-shaped as the uppers. The upper pitchers are highly variable and can bear diverse colors.Nepenthes lowii is found on Mt. Kinabalu, Trusmadi, Murud and Mulu in Borneo at 1650-2600 m.a.s.l..N. lowii is a persistent grower under the right conditions, due to the slow growth it is recommended to start early with the species.Batu Lawi is a very rare locality and isn't offered a lot.

From €30.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes lowii (Gunung Mentapok, Borneo)
Form from Gunung Mentapok.The legendary Nepenthes lowii! Certainly one of the most famous Nepenthes species. With absolutely unique, specialized upper pitchers, the species is not only visually captivating.The shape of these high pitchers is also the basis for an absolutely fascinating mutualism. Between the bristles on the pitcher lid, N. lowii secretes a sugary substance. This serves as food for the tree squirrels Tupaia montana and leads to subsequent defecation of the animals. This feces serves as a nitrogen source for the Nepenthes lowii.Lower pitchers of this species already show the bristles, but are not as extremely funnel-shaped as the uppers. The upper pitchers are highly variable and can bear diverse colors.Nepenthes lowii is found on Mt. Kinabalu, Trusmadi, Murud and Mulu in Borneo at 1650-2600 m.a.s.l..N. lowii is a persistent grower under the right conditions, due to the slow growth it is recommended to start early with the species.More rare locality of this species.

From €50.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes macrophylla (Gunung Trusmadi, Borneo)
Formerly known as Nepenthes edwardsiana ssp. macrophylla, but in species status since 1997.Beautiful species, which belongs to the strongly ribbed Nepenthes species. Unique is the long, unusually raised peristome of this species, which contrasts with the light inside of the pitcher.The cup-shaped pitchers are mostly red or orange, the peristome often red, more rarely orange.The natural hybrid N. x trusmadiensis, which consists of N. lowii and N. macrophylla, is particularly well known. "Macrophylla" refers to the large leaves of this species. It is found sympatric with N. lowii at 2200-2640 m.a.s.l. on Mt. Trusmadi. Unique, mostly vigorous species with impressive peristome!

From €100.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes mollis (N. hurrelliana) (Borneo)
Nepenthes mollis, formerly known as Nepenthes hurrelliana, is a real feast for the eyes. Originally discovered on Mount Lumarku, this species is possibly  of hybridogenic origin. It normally grows as an epiphyte at an altitude of 1300 to 2600 metres, although it also occurs terrestrially.Although initially thought to be a variety of Nepenthes veitchii, Nepenthes mollis has several features that distinguish it from other species of the genus. It is best known for its tall, slender, spreading peristome, which has contrasting stripes of yellow and brown. Both the pitchers and the leaves are covered with a reddish-brown indumentum that also includes the upper side of the lamellae - a feature that few other Nepenthes have.The body of the pitchers is usually light green/yellow and strongly marked by brown speckles. The upper pitchers are usually lighter in colour but still have spots, especially on the top of the pitchers.Growing guidelines: Light: Bright, indirect light. This species develops a dark purple colouring if it gets too much light.Temperature: Normal medium temperatures.Growing medium: A very well-drained and airy mixture. A Sphagnum mix with a high percentage of perlite or horticultural grade bark or an inorganic mix of kanuma, akadama and lava rock will work well. Additional growing notes: This species does NOT like to stand wet for long periods and is susceptible to rot.

From €45.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes muluensis (Gunung Mulu, Borneo)
Extremely pretty, contrasting species from Borneo. The lower pitchers are black coloured with light spots and stripes on the pitcher and peristome. The shape is tubular with a widened base and prominent wing bars, with extremely long fringes. The leaves lance-shaped with a red midrib and red or dark green in color. The upper pitchers are also black with more light spots and usually white peristome with white lid. Extremely nice contrast! The wings on the uppers are reduced. The name "Muluensis" describes the origin of the type plant, but the species has been found on other mountains in Sarawak. There it occurs at 1700-2400 m.a.s.l..

From €30.00*
Nepenthes murudensis (Gunung Murud, Borneo)
Very pretty species, where a hybridogenic origin from N. reinwardtiana and N. tentaculata was suspected. Nepenthes murudensis is endemic to Mt. Murud, where the species is found at 2000-2423 m.a.s.l.. No natural hybrids are known. The pitchers are very variable in colour and show a striking change from ground to high pitches. The lower pitchers are mostly dark, spotted and with striped peristome. The upper pitchers are slender, long and red to green.Very pretty, simple species, which is much too seldom cultivated.

From €20.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes platychila (Borneo)
A very spectacular Nepenthes species. The most striking feature of N. platychila is the striped, flat, extremely broad peristome on the funnel-shaped, spotted upper pitchers.  This feature is so dominant in the species that it is still clearly visible even in hybrids with N. platychila.The lower pitchers are very elongate with a round, narrow peristome and slender pitcher body. Leaves and tendrils in this species are very hairy. Nepenthes platychila is found at 900-1400 m.a.s.l. and thus belongs to the mid-highland species. There are also some reports of successful cultivation on the windowsill.

From €25.00*
Nepenthes rajah (Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo) (CITES)
Definitely one of the most iconic Nepenthes species. Nepenthes rajah captivates with both appearance, size and ecology.The urn-shaped pitchers, up to 35 cm in size, show a red-purple coloration, a red-purple, strongly serrated peristome and an unusually long pitcher lid for the genus. This secretes a sugar solution which, as in N. lowii, attracts various small mammals and trades sugar for the nutrients in the faeces in a mutualistic exchange. N. rajah grows on extremely nutrient-poor, mineral soils that are contaminated with metals. With distribution on Mt. Kinabalu and Mt. Tambuyukon at 1500-26500 m.a.s.l., the species is a classic highland species.With generous pitcher fertilization, mineral substrate and suitable cool temperatures, the species is surprisingly fast growing.Certainly one of the most enjoyable species to keep.Please note:This species is protected under appendix I of WA.The paperwork for WA I species is a very complicated process and takes several weeks from application to receiving the papers.Therefore, we only ship this species to EU countries.

From €20.00* €30.00* (33.33% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes rajah (Tam., Borneo) (CITES)
The queen among the pitcher plants! Nepenthes rajah rightly bears this title, as it is one of the largest and most impressive Nepenthes species. Nepenthes rajah forms large, urn-shaped lower pitchers, up to 35 cm high and 18 cm in diameter. The large pitcher lid and the strongly serrated peristome, which looks like a crown, are particularly striking. The pitchers are reddish purple with a purple peristome and red lid, the leaves are peltate. As with N. lowii, N. rajah is known to be mutualistic with small mammals that use the pitchers as a toilet. However, due to the size of the pitchers, the animals can fall prey to the pitchers themselves.Nepenthes rajah grows on Mt. Kinabalu and Mt. Tambuyukon, where they colonize mineral soils at 1500-2650 m.a.s.l.. Besides Nepenthes khasiana, Nepenthes rajah is the only species at the highest CITES conservation status (WA I). However, through in vitro propagation in the laboratory, the plants offered here are completely safe to acquire and help the spread of the species in the hobby.Please note:This species is protected under appendix I of WA.The paperwork for WA I species is a very complicated process and takes several weeks from application to receiving the papers.Therefore, we only ship this species to EU countries.

Nepenthes villosa (Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo)
Nepenthes villosa is definitely one of the most outstanding representatives of the genus! The variable species has very bulbous pitchers with an extremely toothed peristome. The peristome can take on all possible color variations from green, yellow or orange-red. The pitcher itself can also vary completely from yellow-red and is hairy. The upper pitchers are almost identical, but slightly more slender.The teeth and the pitcher shape make this species one of the most desirable in the genus, but the relevance of a strong night temperature drop due to the origin from the highlands at 2300-3200 m.a.s.l. and the sensitivity ensures that this species should be reserved for advanced keepers.

From €90.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes x Trusmadiensis (G. Trusmadi, Borneo)
The popular natural hybrid of Nepenthes macrophylla and N. lowii. In nature it can only be found on the eponymous Mount Trus Madi, where both species occur sympatrically. The gigantic pitchers can grow up to 35 cm, making the hybrid one of the largest representatives in Borneo. In-situ the species is found at 2500-2600 m.a.s.l., thus clearly highland. However, due to hybridization, the plants are more tolerant to other conditions. The x Trusmadiensis shows strongly infindibular (funnel-shaped) pitchers, with a widened, toothed peristome. The pitcher opening is less horizontal in contrast to lowii.

From €50.00*
Nepenthes zakriana (was N. fusca (Crocker Range)
Originally grouped under the name nepenthes fusca, nepenthes zakriana is a colorful, easy to grow species. Native to Borneo, it is closely related to nepenthes dactylifera and is one of the most vigorous nepenthes there are.Nepenthes zakriana produces striking, elongated pitchers which are bright green in color with intense dark purple/brown speckling. The peristome is lime green upon opening and slowly bronzes over time.Perfect candidate for a sunny windowsill or a terrarium!Cultivation Guidelines:Light: Bright indirect or dappled light.Temperature: Intermediate conditions preferred, but highly adaptable.Growing medium: Equal parts sphagnum and horticultural grade perlite.Extra notes on Cultivation: Easy grower, adaptable to household conditions.

From €15.00*
Sold Out
Nepenthes boschiana (Sakumbong)
Nepenthes boschiana is an increasingly popular pitcher plant in the hobby. It shows very dark, large and elegant lower pitchers, coupled with an extraordinary vigour.In the wild the species is only found in South Kalimantan at 1200-1800 m.a.s.l..It is closely related to N. faizaliana.The dark, mottled lower pitchers show a tubular pitcher with a prominent, thickened base. The broad peristome is dark reddish to deep black.Upper pitchers of this species, on the other hand, are lighter in color, slimmer, more funnel-shaped, and have an intensely striped peristome, but may retain the darker coloration.Absolutely beautiful species that should not be missing in any stock if you have room for the vigorous, larger plants.

Sold Out
Nepenthes burbidgeae
A relatively slow growing Nepenthes species that's notable for its massive and colorful ovate pitchers. Upper and lower pitchers mainly differ in size.The peristome is striped and the lids are whitish with green and red dots. A small pair of wings runs down the front of each pitcher. The stem of Nepenthes burbidgeae named in honor of the first collector (F. W. Burbidge), reaches a length of 15 meters.Nepenthes burbidgeae was discovered 1858 on Mount Kinabalu (Borneo) and described 1882 by J. D. Hooker.The habitat consists of mossy places on the tops of steep ridges.Although this plant is a highland species, it prefers slightly very warmer temperatures and slightly shady growing conditions.

From €40.00*
Sold Out
Nepenthes edwardsiana (Kinab.)
Nepenthes edwardsiana is the queen of all Nepenthes, which was discovered over a century ago on the slopes of Mount Kinabalu and was later also found on Mount Tambuyukon. It grows at altitudes of 1600-2700 metres, both as a terrestrial plant, epiphyte and lithophyte. This species really is a must for any serious collector and needs little introduction! Nepenthes edwardsiana is one of the largest species in the genus, forming pitchers up to fifty centimetres tall. It has one of the most developed peristomes of all Nepenthes, which is usually blood red in colour, while the pitchers appear in various shades of yellow to maroon. The pitchers are bulbous at the base and the cylindrical body merges into the massive teeth on the peristome . The upper pitchers are quite similar to the lower ones, but the upper pitchers lack wings, are larger and have a tubular shape. Cultivation guidelines: Light: Bright, indirect or subdued light, leaves turn slightly red in colour. Temperature: Medium to highland conditions. This species does not like extremely cold night temperatures and can tolerate warmer days compared to other highland Nepenthes. Substrate: A very well-drained and airy mixture. A mixture of Sphagnum with a high proportion of perlite or horticultural-quality bark or a purely inorganic mixture of Kanuma, Akadama and lava rock is well suited. Additional information on cultivation: Of the toothed species, this one is generally the easiest to cultivate. Caution - possible cross-pollination with Nepenthes villosa cannot be ruled out!!!

From €150.00*