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Nepenthes globosa (Thailand)
Nepenthes globosa (formerly known as Nepenthes mirabilis var. globosa) is an unusual plant.Very simple, yet spectacular species for cultivation in lowland conditions.

From €15.00*
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Nepenthes gymnamphora (Java)
Obwohl es nach wie vor Verwirrung mit den Typuspflanzen gibt, wird hier vermutet, dass es sich bei dieser N. gymnamphora Form aus Java um die echte N. pectinata. Diese Hypothese gilt jedoch wissenschaftlich zu prüfen. Es handelt sich hier um eine Form aus Java mit Kannen, die grün gefärbt und mit orangen Flecken überzogen sind. Die Pflanze trägt viele Kannen gleichzeitig.

Nepenthes khasiana (India) (CITES)
The only Nepenthes sp. that occurs in India and is endemic there. It occurs on the eponymous Khasi Mountains in Meghalaya at 1000-1500 m.a.s.l.. In India Nepenhtes khasiana has the trivial names "Tiew-rakot" (demon plant), "kset phare" (lidded fly net) and "Memang-koksi" (devil's basket). Due to acid drainage from mines and habitat loss, Nepenthes khasiana is acutely threatened and therefore listed on CITES Appendix 1 (WA I). The pitchers are greenish-yellow in colour and show a reddish reticulation. The peristome is usually yellow.Especially well known is the hybrid with N. khasiana called N. x gaya.Prolific species as long as the conditions fit.

From €15.00* €20.00* (25% saved)
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Nepenthes macfarlanei
The "real" Nepenthes macfarlanei!For a long time, Nepenthes ulukaliana was mistaken for Nepenthes macfarlanei. The true Nepenthes macfarlanei has not been in cultivation for very long and is therefore rarely found in collections. A beautiful species that can compete with many sought-after Borneo and Sumatran species.The long bristles on the underside of the lid are striking.

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Nepenthes madagascariensis (Madagascar)
Besides N. masoalensis, Nepenthes madagascariensis is the only pitcher plant represented in Madagascar. Nepenthes madagascariensis is an interesting species due to its isolated location and is clearly more robust in care than N. masoalensis.Along the east coast between Maroansetra and Tolagnaro it inhabits diverse habitats at below 500 m.a.s.l., thus it is clearly the more euryoecious of both species. The characteristic yellow, funnel-shaped upper pitchers of N. madagascariensis are very attractive. The lower pitchers are red coloured and cylindrically shaped with a broadened base. Similar to Nepenthes bicalcarata, this species also has two toothed extensions of the peristome under the lid. While the lower pitchers are primarily specialized in catching ants, the upper pitchers land significantly more flying insects in the liquid.Recommendable species, of which unfortunately hardly any larger specimens exist in cultivation.

From €15.00*
Nepenthes pervillei (Copolia, Seychelles)
Unusual species from an isolated distribution in the Seychelles. Nepenthes pervillei has long evolved in its own direction in the Seychelles, isolated from the rest of the genus. It is found on the islands of Mahé and Silhouette at 350-600 metres above sea level, where it inhabits extreme habitats.Often the substrate is extremely thin or completely absent and the plant grows on bare rock, where it secures itself in crevices. The rocks are completely exposed to the sun and the plants withstand all kinds of weather. The pitchers themselves are amphora-shaped and stand upright on a short tendril. The ground pitchers are usually red. The upper pitchers are usually orange-yellow.Nepenthes pervillei often bears an extremely large number of pitchers at the same time, so the pictures from the natural habitats are particularly spectacular, showing a sea of small N. pervillei pitchers.Unfortunately, the species is not easy to keep, but with plenty of light, wind and warmth it is perfectly feasible. It prefers mineral-rich substrates, e.g. mixtures of Akadama, Kanuma and perlite.

From €40.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes pervillei (Tea Tavern, Seychelles)
Unusual species from an isolated distribution in the Seychelles. Nepenthes pervillei has long evolved in its own direction in the Seychelles, isolated from the rest of the genus. It is found on the islands of Mahé and Silhouette at 350-600 metres above sea level, where it inhabits extreme habitats.Often the substrate is extremely thin or completely absent and the plant grows on bare rock, where it secures itself in crevices. The rocks are completely exposed to the sun and the plants withstand all kinds of weather. The pitchers themselves are amphora-shaped and stand upright on a short tendril. The ground pitchers are usually red. The upper pitchers are usually orange-yellow.Nepenthes pervillei often bears an extremely large number of pitchers at the same time, so the pictures from the natural habitats are particularly spectacular, showing a sea of small N. pervillei pitchers.Unfortunately, the species is not easy to keep, but with plenty of light, wind and warmth it is perfectly feasible. It prefers mineral-rich substrates, e.g. mixtures of Akadama, Kanuma and perlite.

From €40.00*
Nepenthes pervillei (Troiss Freres, Seychelles)
Unusual species from an isolated distribution in the Seychelles. Nepenthes pervillei has long evolved in its own direction in the Seychelles, isolated from the rest of the genus. It is found on the islands of Mahé and Silhouette at 350-600 metres above sea level, where it inhabits extreme habitats.Often the substrate is extremely thin or completely absent and the plant grows on bare rock, where it secures itself in crevices. The rocks are completely exposed to the sun and the plants withstand all kinds of weather. The pitchers themselves are amphora-shaped and stand upright on a short tendril. The ground pitchers are usually red. The upper pitchers are usually orange-yellow.Nepenthes pervillei often bears an extremely large number of pitchers at the same time, so the pictures from the natural habitats are particularly spectacular, showing a sea of small N. pervillei pitchers.Unfortunately, the species is not easy to keep, but with plenty of light, wind and warmth it is perfectly feasible. It prefers mineral-rich substrates, e.g. mixtures of Akadama, Kanuma and perlite.

From €40.00*
Nepenthes ulukaliana (Genting Highlands, Peninsula)
Absolutely underestimated, variable species from the Malay Peninsula from 900-2150 m.a.s.l..It produces funnel- to ovoid-shaped pitchers with a broad, fluted peristome that comes together at the base of the lid and forms an arch, similar to N. rafflesiana. The pitchers are usually darkly spotted, and may have a yellow or orange ground colour. Characteristic for this species is a light fringe of trichomes under the lid of the pitcher. Lower pitchers are mostly funnel-shaped, bulbous or egg-shaped, uppers funnel-shaped and clearly lighter up to white with pink striped peristome, here the close relationship to N. alba shows up.The lower pitchers can grow up to 25 cm!Beautiful, much too rarely cultivated species!

From €30.00*
Nepenthes vieillardii (New Caledonia)
Nepenthes viellardii represents the only endemic species on New Caledonia and thus belongs to the peripheral, isolated Nepenthes species that are located away from the main distribution area in Southeast Asia. There it grows in lowland vegetation at 30-800 m.a.s.l.. Striking is the strong difference between the red to violet coloured lower pitchers with the bulbous pitcher base and the otherwise slender, slightly funnel-shaped form with shiny, ribbed peristome and the upper pitchers. These are funnel-shaped and brightly coloured, usually green with a red peristome. The leaves are dark green and may have a reddish tinge.Nepenthes viellardi is also rarely cultivated and large plants are few.

From €15.00*
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Nepenthes alba
Nepenthes alba was named after the Latin word "albus", which refers to the white color of the upper pitchers. Depending on the phenotype, the uppers can be completely translucent white, even the peristome. An absolute eye-catcher in every Nepenthes setup!The lower pitchers on the other hand are usually very dark, often red with purple spots and a dark red-purple peristome and existing wing bars. At the base of the lid, the peristome may be strongly curved inward, similar to the closely related Nepenthes macfarlanei.This dainty species is found in the highlands of Malaysia at 1600-2100 m.a.s.l. in rainy mountain forests, where the pale uppers stand out particularly strongly from the green vegetation.

From €30.00*
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Nepenthes distillatoria (Sri Lanka)
Due to its occurrence below 700 m.a.s.l. a classic lowland species. Nepenthes distillatoria roduces plain pitchers with receded wings.It is worth mentioning that Nepenthes distillatoria was scientifically described in 1677 as the second Nepenthes sp. ever, at that time still under the botanical name "Miranda herba", literally standing for "wonderful herb". The present name "Nepenthes distillatoria" means "distilling pitcher plant" and refers to the presence of water in the pitchers, even if it has not rained recently. This water does not come from distillation, of course, but the origins of this name date back to 1683.There are no documented natural hybrids of this species, based on the isolated endemic occurrence in Sri Lanka.

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Nepenthes kongkandana (Chana, Thailand)
Nepenthes kongkandana is a new species described in 2015, which is found in the south of Thailand. There it inhabits only coastal habitats in the lowlands at 0-50 m.a.s.l..The lower pitchers of Nepenthes kongkandana are red spotted with a red-orange peristome, which may be striped. The upper pitchers are more elongated and may show the same coloration or be lighter.There are many similarities with Nepenthes kerrii.Rarely cultivated yet undemanding species.

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Nepenthes masoalensis (Madagascar)
One of the complicated lowland species, a real challenge for advanced growers. The species is very rare in keeping, large cultivated plants are rarely found. According to the species epithet, the species occurs primarily on the Masoala Peninsula at below 500 m.a.s.l. on Madagascar. Thus it belongs with N. madagascariensis to the only pitcher plant species on Madagascar, there is obviously a close relationship between the species. However, the pitchers of N. masoalensis are more squat and the pitcher lids are not rimmed, the upper pitchers of N. madagascariensis are much more slender and funnel-shaped than those of N. masoalensis.

From €30.00*
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Nepenthes pervillei (New location, Big Belly, Seychelles)
Unusual species from an isolated distribution in the Seychelles. Nepenthes pervillei has long evolved in its own direction in the Seychelles, isolated from the rest of the genus. It is found on the islands of Mahé and Silhouette at 350-600 metres above sea level, where it inhabits extreme habitats.Often the substrate is extremely thin or completely absent and the plant grows on bare rock, where it secures itself in crevices. The rocks are completely exposed to the sun and the plants withstand all kinds of weather. The pitchers themselves are amphora-shaped and stand upright on a short tendril. The ground pitchers are usually red. The upper pitchers are usually orange-yellow.Nepenthes pervillei often bears an extremely large number of pitchers at the same time, so the pictures from the natural habitats are particularly spectacular, showing a sea of small N. pervillei pitchers.Unfortunately, the species is not easy to keep, but with plenty of light, wind and warmth it is perfectly feasible. It prefers mineral-rich substrates, e.g. mixtures of Akadama, Kanuma and perlite.

From €80.00*
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Nepenthes ramispina (Gunung Ulu Kali)
Nepenthes ramispina is quite rare in cultivation. The best known is probably still the hybrid of N. ramispina and N. ventricosa called N. x "Rebbeca Soper", which is often found in hardware stores or on windowsills around the world. The species alone, however, has much to offer. Dark purple, almost black pots with a velvety coating, a black, shiny peristome, and a mostly mint green pitcher interior that stands out among the otherwise dark colors. Bottom jugs are slender and elongated, while high jugs are light green, with a rectangular cross-section, pronounced jug hips, and a slightly funnel-shaped upper portion.If you want to secure a robust, simple, yet not particularly common species, Nepenthes ramispina is a good choice.

From €20.00*
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Nepenthes thorelii
An extremely rare species, which was considered extinct for a long time. True N. thorelii in husbandry are scarce. In 2011, after there was no hope, the species was rediscovered in a military zone in Vietnam The lower pitchers are very bulbous, with large peristome opening and serrations on the red peristome. The color of the pitchers is (light) brown, the wings bear only short teeth. upper high pitchers are elongated and funnel-shaped. Mostly very bright.
