Nepenthes graciliflora is a species of the so-called "Nepenthes alata complex"and has long been considered a synonym of Nepenthes alata, but differs from Nepenthes alata in a number of characteristics such as the structure of the pitcher lids and the leaf stalks.
Nepenthes suriagonensis is a middle highlander from Mindanao, Philippines, where it can be found at 800-1200 metres above sea level.Morphologically, the close relationship to N. merrilliana and N. bellii can already be surmised. However, N. suriagonensis can be distinguished from N. merrilliana by a longer tendril and stronger pubescence and from N. bellii by significantly larger pitchers."Suriagonensis" is derived from the Suriago Peninsula, where the holotype of this species was found.This giant form has particularly large pitchers for the species.Extremely bulbous base pitchers with a round, broad, often wavy peristome are characteristic of this species, the high pitchers are lighter coloured and more elongated.
A much sought-after form of the well-known N. ventricosa. The anyway very characteristic, hourglass-shaped and easy to maintain N. ventricsoa shows in the alba form light green, almost white pitchers and a red peristome. The contrast is immediately striking!However, the form still shows all the popular characteristics of N. ventricosa, including high adaptability and vigor.This makes this plant suitable for both beginners and experienced collectors.
Nepenthes bellii is closely related to N. merrilliana and N. suriagonensis, but remains significantly smaller than the two large species.This small species is found at 0-800 m.a.s.l. in Mindanao and Dinegat in the Philippines.The ground cans, which can grow up to 9 cm in size, are largely similar in shape to the related species and are bulbous to spherical. They are spotted red with a yellow-green peristome.The high cans are much slimmer and green or red.N. bellii remains compact and is therefore also suitable for smaller lowland terrariums, whereas in contrast many lowland species quickly become too large.
Nepenthes ceciliae is a very pretty, smaller species, known for its bright yellow upper pitchers. It belongs to the Nepenthes alata group, but shows unusually squat lower pitchers for this group. These have a pronounced constriction in the middle of the pitcher and dark, mottled pitchers with dark red peristomes. The upper pitchers are usually solid light yellow, showing their own unique aesthetic.Young leaves show intense red foliage.The species was described in 2011 and was found on Mt. Kiamo in Mindanao at 1500-1880 m.a.s.l.. Very simple species that is perfect for the entry into the hobby.
An absolutely stunning lowland species that rival other species for the largest pitchers in the genus. The pitchers grow to 35 cm high and 14 cm wide. There is a close relationship to Nepenthes bellii and Nepenthes suriagonensis. Bottom pitchers are very bulbous to ovate and reddish to orange (rarely green) with an open, serrated peristomes. The upper pitchers correspond largely to the lower pitchers.N. merrilliana occurs from northeastern Mindanao and the offshore islands at 0-1100 m.a.s.l.. Here you have the chance to acquire the probably largest strict lowland species here.
Nepenthes ramos belongs to the Nepenthes alata complex. It is only known from small islands neighbouring Mindanao. In contrast to Nepenthes alata and gracilliflora, the flowers are arranged in pairs.
Very impressive and yet easy to maintain species. Nepenthes sibuyanensis is often completely underestimated, but the large lower pitchers of N. sibuyanensis are absolutely unique. Given the size and shape, the description pot- or bucket-shaped is certainly not inappropriate.The peristome looks very similar to that of N. ventricosa and is broad, serrated and ribbed. The color of the pitchers are usually a light orange or pink and the color of the peristome red or brown with great variability in brightness. High pitchers are slightly more elongated and can turn almost completely white. The robust and vigorous nature coupled with the huge, shapely base cans make this species a recommendation without reservation.
Nepenthes suriagonensis ist ein Mittelhochländer aus Mindanao, Philippinen, wo sie auf 800-1200 m.ü.M. anzufinden ist.Morphologisch lässt sich die nahe Verwandschaft zu N. merrilliana und N. bellii bereits erahnen. N. suriagonensis lässt sich aber durch ein längeres Tendril und stärkere Behaarung von N. merrilliana und durch deutlich grössere Kannen von N. bellii unterscheiden."Suriagonensis" leitet sich von der Suriago Peninsula ab, wo der Holotyp dieser Art gefunden wurde.Diese Giant-Form hat für die Art besonders grosse Kannen.Extrem bauchige Bodenkannen, mit einem runden, breiten, oft gewellten Peristom sind charakteristisch für diese Art, die Hochkannen sind heller gefärbt und länglicher.