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Bundle: 5 different Nepenthes edwardsiana hybrids
Five different Nepenthes edwardsiana hybrids at a special price!

From €256.00*
Nepenthes ((lowii x veitchii) x boschiana) x Trusmadiensis
I am very excited about the results of this complex crossing. Normally, the influence of Nepenthes x Trusmadiensis is great, which suggests a great result!

From €30.00*
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x flava) x (flava x edwardsiana)
Nepenthes flava x edwardsiana is a wonderful cross characterised by slightly funnel-shaped tall pitchers with a pronounced wrinkled-toothed peristome. For me, this is one of the most beautiful hybrids with Nepenthes edwardsiana, where the peculiar pitcher shape of Nepenthes aristolochioides is added to add further characteristics to the cross.

From €30.00*
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x flava) x edwardsiana
Nepenthes flava x edwardsiana is a wonderful cross characterised by slightly funnel-shaped tall pitchers with a pronounced wrinkled-toothed peristome. For me, this is one of the most beautiful hybrids with Nepenthes edwardsiana.Here, the peculiar pitcher shape of Nepenthes aristolochioides is added to add further characteristics to the cross.

From €30.00*
Nepenthes (diabolica x hamata) x (lowii x campanulata)
Nepenthes Smilodon x (lowii x campanulata)!This cross includes several of the most impressive Nepenthes species and promises a very interesting result!

From €50.00* €75.00* (33.33% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes (diabolica x hamata) x edwardsiana
Nepenthes Smilodon x edwardsiana!The three most toothy Nepenthes species united in one hybrid!!!

From €120.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes (diabolica x hamata) x hamata
Nepenthes Smilodon x hamata!The backcrossing of Nepenthes 'Smilodon' with Nepenthes hamata promises interesting intermediate forms of the two spectacular species. Only a few seedlings!

Nepenthes (flava x edwardsiana) x dubia
Nepenthes flava x edwardsiana is a wonderful cross, characterised by slightly funnel-shaped upper pitchers with a pronounced wrinkled-toothed peristome. For me one of the most beautiful hybrids with Nepenthes edwardsiana. The aim of crossing this hybrid with Nepenthes dubia is to emphasise the funnel shape even more and to flatten the peristome.I am very curious about the results!

From €30.00* €50.00* (40% saved)
Nepenthes (flava x edwardsiana) x inermis
Nepenthes flava x edwardsiana is a wonderful cross, characterised by slightly funnel-shaped upper pitchers with a pronounced wrinkled-toothed peristome. For me one of the most beautiful hybrids with Nepenthes edwardsiana. The aim of crossing this hybrid with Nepenthes inermis is to emphasise the funnel shape and yellow colouring even more.I am very curious about the results!

From €20.00*
Nepenthes (lowii x merrilliana) x inermis
Nepenthes lowii x merrilliana is an extremely impressive and desirable cross. The idea of crossing with Nepenthes inermis is to give the opper pitchers a funnel shape.

Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes (lowii x truncata squat) x (lowii x campanulata)
My best clone of Nepenthes lowii x truncatais a real monster. It has huge, beautifully shaped and very well coloured pitchers.This fantastic plant is the mother in this cross. The father plant is Nepenthes lowii x campanulata, also a fantastic cross. I have high expectations for this cross with great parent plants!

From €30.00* €50.00* (40% saved)
Nepenthes (lowii x truncata squat) x edwardsiana
My best clone of Nepenthes lowii x truncata is a real monster. It has huge, beautifully shaped and very well coloured pitchers.This fantastic plant is the mother in this cross. The pollen comes from my very vigorous male of Nepenthes edwardsiana with beautiful yellow pitchers and a very coarsely toothed peristome.I have extremely high expectations of this cross with fantastic parent plants!

From €100.00* €150.00* (33.33% saved)
Nepenthes (lowii x truncata squat) x peltata
My best clone of Nepenthes lowii x truncata is a real monster. It has huge, beautifully shaped and very well coloured pitchers.This fantastic plant is the mother in this cross. This fantastic mother plant crossed with Nepenthes peltata promises beautiful offspring.I have extremely high expectations for this cross with fantastic parent plants!

From €30.00* €50.00* (40% saved)
Nepenthes (lowii x truncata) x (burbidgeae x lowii)
This cross combines three species with probably the most beautiful and impressive pitchers of the genus. Both parents are fantastic crosses in their own right.I'm sure there are some real gems among the seedlings!

From €75.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes (lowii x truncata) x flava
Nepenthes lowii x truncata is one of the best Nepenthes crosses ever! I am very curious to see what influence the rather dainty but very vigorous Nepenthes flava from Sumatra will have on this hybrid.

From €40.00*
Nepenthes aristolochioides x (flava x edwardsiana)
Nepenthes flava x edwardsiana is a wonderful hybrid characterised by slightly funnel-shaped tall pitchers with a pronounced wrinkled and serrated peristome. For me it is one of the most beautiful hybrids with Nepenthes edwardsiana. Here the peculiar pitcher shape of Nepenthes aristolochioides is added to give the cross further characteristics andI am very excited to see the results!

From €30.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes aristolochioides x diabolica
Very interesting cross of two very special parent species with great potential!

Nepenthes aristolochioides x edwardsiana
The aim of this cross is to achieve more pronounced peristome ribs of Nepenthes edwardsiana and the pitcher shape of Nepenthes aristolochioides, which is usually quite dominant in crosses.

From €75.00*
Nepenthes aristolochioides x undulatifolia
Very exciting cross in which I have great expectations. The goal is large woolly pitchers with "lots of Nepenthes aristolochioides". Either already in the F1 hybrid or after backcrossing with Nepenthes aristolochioides.

From €15.00* €25.00* (40% saved)
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes aristolochioides x veitchii (red striped peristome)
A very exciting cross that I have high hopes for.The seedlings are very colourful and clearly show the influence of both parents even at a small size!

From €20.00*
Nepenthes attenboroughii x mollis
I have the highest expectations for this crossing!

From €120.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes burbidgeae x lowii
Nepenthes burbidgeae x lowii shows very intense stripes on the peristome, yellow and red alternate with strong contrast. The lid is brightly speckled with three colours: Yellow, red and dark purple. From this hybrid there are already the first upper pitchers! Their shape reminds a bit more of N. ephippiata upper pitchers. They are funnel-shaped and very wide throughout. A hybrid that inspires with its really bright colors!

From €150.00*
Short supply (FAQ)
Nepenthes chaniana x edwardsiana
The crossing of my yellow clone of Nepenthes edwardsiana with the yellow-green Nepenthes chaniana with its large, hairy and funnel-shaped pitchers promises an extremely interesting result!Only a few seedlings available!

From €150.00*
Nepenthes clipeata x eymae
Very old hybrid made in the botanical garden in Munich by the late CP-veteran Paul Debbert.Very beautiful and rare to find.
