NEPENTHES DIABOLICA ( “RED HAIRY HAMATA” / “RHH” )Nepenthes diabolica! Discovered in 2004, and long known as “Red Hairy Hamata” (“RHH”), this incredibly rare and beautiful species is finally both formally named and available for addition to your collection! Arguably the most exciting and sought after addition since Nepenthes edwardsiana. Known from only a single small and isolated population on an undisclosed mountain in Central Sulawesi, N. diabolica grows towards the summit (2200-2300m) in high-montane mossy forest, primarily as a low-epiphyte in moss attached to the base of tall trees. It is a true highlander/ultrahighlander.Resembling the famous N. hamata, N. diabolica (Latin for "diabolical" or "devilish" ) takes the evil and ominous look to the next level. While easily differentiated from the former by stem and leaves alone, it is really the red colouration and enlarged, hooked peristome teeth that give this species it’s terrifying appearance and name. The pitchers are beautiful! Most striking relative to N. hamata are their smaller size, red hue and hairy coat. The lower pitchers are diminutive and tubby, and are orangy-red to almost deep maroon-purple in colour. The entire outer pitcher surface is covered in a dense layer of short, fine reddish-brown hairs (indumentum) which give them an unmistakable look and from which the coloquial name “Red Hairy Hamata” was derived. These are accompanied by bold, matching wings that run the length of the pitchers. The peristome can range from a pale creamy-yellow, through an almost luminous yellow-green (which creates a striking contrast with the dark pitchers), to the bright and glossy ruby red colour of the prominent and highly developed sickle-shaped ‘teeth’ we know so well from N. hamata. These wicked looking ‘teeth’ line the peristome forming a row of inward pointing hooks, gradually angling forward as the peristome neck rises to meet the pitcher lid. Combined, all these features create a bold and striking image that cannot be mistaken for anything else. They are incredibly unique and striking.Once vining, N. diabolica produces larger linear leaves and large, more elongated upper pitchers. Upper pitchers are cylindrical and, unlike in N. hamata, prominent wings are retained and the peristome ‘teeth’ become reduced in size, rather than more exagerated. The red colouration is also retained, with upper pitchers being beautifully mottled in varying degrees of yellow-greens, oranges and reds, some plants being entirely a uniform red. In many ways the uppers are much more stunning and painterly than those of N. hamata, with colouration at times reministent of a poorly painted N. glabrata. They really are gorgeous!Cultivation Guidelines:Light: Indirect or dappled light. Seems to prefer more shaded positions. Leaves redden easily.Temperature: True highland/ultrahighland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures. Will not tolerate high temperatures!Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well. The proportion of Sphagnum in the mix should ideally be quite high. Ensure good drainage!Extra notes on Cultivation: Requires high humidity levels.Difficulty: This species appears to be a finicky and fragile grower, requiring rather specific ultrahighland conditions, and even then grows rather slowly, especially when young. Not an easy species to cultivate well. It is therefore recommended for more experienced growers.EXTREMELY LIMITED SUPPLY!
The legendary Nepenthes x "Smilodon", a hybrid of N. hamata and N. diabolica, formerly known as N. sp. "Red hairy hamata". As the old trivial name of N. diabolica indicates, both species are very similar. Both strongly toothed, N. hamata black, N. diabolica red and extremely hairy, even on the pitchers. The sought-after N. x "Smilodon" shows very dark, purple pitchers with a velvety exterior and pitch-black, shiny peristome and conspicuously large teeth. The lid is hairy.Initial experience with the hybrid shows a very fast-growing plant in which striking leaf jumps are not uncommon. Also the sensitivity of N. diabolica is no longer noticeable in the hybrid.
This form from Gunung Katopasa in Sulawesi forms larger pitchers than many other N. glabrata forms.One of the most beautiful and mostly underestimated pitcher plant species.The lower pitchers of Nepenthes glabrata are mostly rather dark with light cream spots and yellowish peristome. The shape is very bulbous and the pitcher opening usually oval. The real eye-catcher of this species are the spectacular upper pitchers. They are funnel-shaped with a cream-coloured, almost white ground colour. The whole body of the pitcher and sometimes also the wings are covered with intense dark red spots. This gives a very strong contrast! A very attractive, small species, which can be found in-situ at 1600-2100 m.a.s.l. in Sulawesi. With these impressive upper pitchers Nepenthes glabrata definitely belongs to my favourite species!
Nepenthes glabrata is an often underestimated species from the highlands of Sulawesi. The epithet "glabrata" stands for "hairless" and describes the trichome-free leaves and pitchers, the leaves can look almost artificial. While the red net pattern is still very dense in the roundish lower pitchers with the oval peristome, this is strongly reduced in the impressive, cylindrical-funnel-shaped upper pitchers. The white uppers have a particularly noble, almost hand-drawn appearance due to their reduced, intensive red markings.Lower pitchers show a rather broad, yellow peristome, while the uppers only retain a narrow, yellow to white ring that adorns the pitchers.The species quickly goes into vining stage and climbs through a terrarium or greenhouse. It is particularly attractive to let the plant climb through accompanying vegetation.
One of the most bizarre pitcher plant species around! While the lower pitchers belong to the beautiful, strongly-ribbed pitcher types, the upper pitchers are incomparable in the genus. The black-brown (sometimes reddish) spotted lowerspitchers show, similar to N. tentaculata, a ring of filiform appendages on the pitcher lid, an oval black peristome with extremely pronounced teeth and ribs. The upper pitchers, however, are green with red veins and the teeth curved outward to resemble the open maw of a monster. In nature N. hamata occurs in Sulawesi at 1400-2500 m.a.s.l. and belongs to the N. hamata group (N. muluensis, murudensis, glabrata, tentaculata). With the right conditions and sensible fertilization N. hamata grows relatively fast.
Extremely rare species, documented in 2006 from only one known plant and described in 2009. In 2011 a new population with about twelve individuals was found. It is a great luck to be able to propagate this species in vitro to offer it here and to spare the fragile wild populations.The plants offered have deep red lower pitchers, very similar in shape to N. glabrata lowers. The upper pitchers are strongly funnel-shaped and ivory-colored with a red peristome and pitcher lid.The species occurs at 1400-2000 m.a.s.l..Despite the strong threat in nature, the plants offered here can be acquired without regret, as they have been cloned many times by in vitro micropropagation, thus relieving the small wild population.
A species long desired by many hobbyists in the hobby.Nepenthes nigra was found and described in Sulawesi in 2011. The pitchers look very similar to a toothless N. hamata, a close relationship with this species exists. The name "nigra" stands for "black" and refers to the largely black coloration of the pitchers. The lower pitchers are black with light green spots, black peristome, and dark pitcher interior, the upper pitchers are lighter overall and have an almost rectangular cross-section. Pretty, contrasting highland species, with an altitudinal range of 1500-2700 m.a.s.l..
The second clone of this extremely rare Nepenthes sp.Nepenthes pitopangii is extremely endangered, as the species description was based on only one known individual and only years later a second small population with about twelve plants was found.The lower pitchers of this species are very reminiscent of N. glabrata in shape and markings but are deep red, the upper pitchers are uniquely funnel-shaped. This speckled form has yellow-green upperswith a red spotted pattern, red peristome, and reddish-green lid.Despite the high endangerment status of this species in nature, the plants offered here can be taken over without a guilty conscience, as this comes from responsible in vitro micropropagation and thus does not pollute natural populations.
NEPENTHES UNDULATIFOLIA (SULAWESI)Finally Available!!!Nepenthes undulatifolia is a unique and incredibly rare species known from two remote mountains in South East Sulawesi. This species is instantly recognisable by its cute, tubby pitchers and the distinctive wavy leaf margins from which it gains its name (Undulating foliage). It grows in high altitude (1800m) montane mossy forests, rooted into clumps of sphagnum moss, either terrestrially or epiphytically on tree branches, as well as on open landslips and steep ridges rooted into laterite clay. In both cases populations are incredibly small and at severe risk from poaching. This is a typical highland plant, though seems to be faster growing than other highlanders. We are incredibly excited to finally have this available for the first time!!!Other than being incredibly rare and a special addition to any collection, N. undulatifolia is an incredibly unique and interesting plant, with many interesting features. The unique and instantly recognisable leaves have undulating edges terminating in rounded tips, with the pitcher tendrils separating from the lower surface of the leaf and before the leaf tip (peltate). This characteristic is well known from N. peltata and N. clipeata. The lower surfaces of the leaves themselves, as well as the stems, are covered in a fine but dense, smooth covering of furry white hairs (indumentum), which grows less dense as the vining stems climb. Lower pitchers (up to 9.5cm) are short, squat, tubby and rounded, with two bold frilled winds extending from the top, down the front to between half and the full length of the pitcher. The lower pitchers are somewhat variable in colour, and may be either a pale yellowish green to dark purple in colour, with dark, dense purple spots. The peristome is only slightly ridged and angles slightly into the almost round and horizontal, upward pointing, pitcher opening. The peristome ranges in colour from a striking yellow to a gorgeous red-purple, often darker towards the inner-edge of the peristome as it angles into the pitcher opening. The elegant upper pitchers (up to 9cm) grow on triangular, twisted vines up to 3m in length. They are arise from the tendril in a strong upward curve leading into a broadly funnel shaped pitcher which bulges out before contracting just below the pitcher opening and peristome, to create a bold ‘ballooning’ effect. These lack frilled wings but still possess two prominent ridges that run down the front of the pale yellow-green pitchers. The peristome is somewhat flattened and like in the lowers lines the round almost horizontal pitcher opening. This leads to a somewhat toilet-like appearance, superficially similar to N. jamban, N. eymae and a few other ‘toilet-bowl’ species from Sumatra. The peristome and pitcher lids are highlighted in orange-red which contrasts well with the pale pitcher body.Between its incredible rarity, unique and interesting leaves, unusual stems, furry coat and gorgeous pitchers, N. undulatifolia is a stunning addition, with the ability to be centrepiece to even the finest collection. Almost non-existent in nature, be a part of the story of this botanical masterpiece.Cultivation Guidelines:Light: Bright indirect or dappled light. Appears to appreciate lower light levels.Temperature: True highland conditions. Requires cool night time temperatures.Growing medium: An open, mossy but well-draining mix. A mix of high quality sphagnum moss with horticultural-grade perlite, a bit of good quality peat-moss and pine bark works well. The proportion of Sphagnum in the mix should ideally be quite high.Extra notes on Cultivation: Appreciates high humidity levels. A fairly fast grower for a highland plant.A LIMITED number of individual/unique clones from SEED (ISC) are available!