Nepenthes tomoriana (Tomori Bay, Sulawesi)
Nepenthes tomoriana is endemic to the lowlands of Sulawesi at 0-500 m.a.s.l., where it inhabits a variety of habitats. The species epithet is derived from "Tomori Bay", from which the holotype of this species originates. The species has cup-shaped, bulbous lower pitchers with a pale peristome, the wing bars following a convex curve. The peristome may be striped. The inner surface is contrastingly marked with white and dark purple spots. The upper pitchers of this species are funnel-shaped and rectangular in cross-section at the base. Although the species is native to the lowlands, it is very tolerant of cooler temperatures.
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Nepenthes mirabilis (Lampia, Sulawesi)
"Giant form", pitchers of this form grow up to 40 cm! Nepenthes mirabilis is probably the Nepenthes sp. with the widest distribution area. It can be found in almost whole Southeast Asia, up to Australia. There it colonizes many possible habitats at 0-1500 m.a.s.l., even on disturbed areas. From this species originated the well known varieties Nepenthes mirabilis var. globosa and Nepenthes mirabilis var. echinostoma. The pitchers are very variable in color, but are often greenish or red, with broader peristomes.The name "Nepenthes mirabilis" means "wonderful pitcher plant".Pretty, very adaptable species that can cope with many conditions, according to its nature.